Bromyard & District Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Welcome! Together, we provide all the tools, guidance and support to help Bromyard businesses succeed in their respective markets. Take a look around and explore the various businesses around Bromyard and how we support them.
Local News
There are plans to have an ATM installed at the town's reliable Post Office. After the closure of Lloyds Bank, there remain only two cash points in the town. There will be an update in February on the matter.
UPDATE: It is unlikely in the near future that a ATM will be installed at the Post Office due to other Post Office branches' ATMs having a tendency to eat the cards!
There are currently three vacant premises on Broad Street with retail opportunity.
There are plans to close the bus stop on Pump Street and move the existing bus shelter from its current location to a reprofiled Tower Hill bus stop on the A44/Bypass. This will relieve congestion going through and reduce safety hazards in the town centre.
On Friday 3rd March, for International Breast Cancer Awareness Day, businesses decorated their front windows in a pink colour scheme and a bra chain was organised in the town. It stretched from the furthest end of Market Square all the way to the top of High Street! The bras were then washed and used to decorate trees in Market Square. The Chair of Bromyard Chamber of Commerce spoke in an interview with Toni McDonald of BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester a few weeks prior and an interview with the former vicar at St Peter's Church, Rev. Graham Sykes, about his diagnosis of breast cancer, was broadcast three times on the day.
Bromyard is a popular tourist destination for those who are looking to immerse themselves in heritage and support independent businesses. Find more information about what Bromyard has to offer tourists at
The Chamber's Annual General Meeting will take place on 1st March 2023 at the Falcon Hotel at 7:30pm.
For more information and support, you can refer to Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce.
Bromyard Chamber of Commerce Awards 2022
The Chamber gave out awards to businesses who excelled in three categories; Excellence in Customer Service, Commitment to the Communiy and Excellence in Sustainability. The Chair of Herefordshire Council, Sebastian Bowen, came to hand out the awards to the winners and was able to take time to meet other businesses.
Excellence in Customer Service
Winners: Post Office
Highly Commended: Falcon Hotel
Commitment to the Community
Joint Winners: Falcon Hotel and Totally Local Community Shop
Highly Commended: Thursday Market
Excellence in Sustainability
Winner: Vintage Stable
Highly Commended: House Mistress and Seamstress and Nurture Wellness Centre
Chairman's Cup
Winner: House Mistress and Seamstress
Sylvia Silver's Plate
Winner: The Launderette
Post Office receiving their award with Bowen and Clare Davies, Chair of Bromyard and District Chamber of Commerce.
Exterior of the Falcon Hotel and Totally Local Community Shop receiving their awards with Bowen and Davies.
House Mistress and Seamstress receiving their award with Bowen and Davies.
The Launderette receiving their award with Bowen.
Bowen popping into Scrivens opticians
Links and Resources
Bromyard Trader Newsletter
Previous Meeting Minutes